Van Damme State Beach

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Van Damme State Beach is one of the more popular dive spots for abalone fishing which once made parking and camping nearby a bit hectic at the peak of the season. Owing to the closure in 2018, these beaches will probably be less busy in the future. The entry is easy and fairly protected. The bottom is sandy with only a few clumps of kelp here and there. Visibility tends to be low but hey, that's what we're here for in California, right? Van Damme State Beach is just a few miles south of the town of Mendocino, located off highway 1.

Quick Info

Van Damme State Beach
Coordinates 39.273552, -123.791498
Depth 0-45 feet
Skill Level Beginner
Access Method Shore

Entry & Access

The beach is an easy and forgiving entry with a gentle drop off.

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Attractions & Wildlife

Abalone diving is the big draw here but not lately owing to fishery closures.

If the sea looks none too inviting, check out Jughandle State Beach and the Ecological Staircase for more terrestrial diversions nearby. The town of Mendocino is just up the road and is always worth a visit too. The locals will be very thankful if you spend a couple bucks on your way through whether you catch your limit or not.


Portable bathrooms can be found in the parking lot but for running water or a flush toilet or shower you'll have to cross the street and enter the park. There are a couple of nice fire pits here by the beach too if you happen to have brought some local firewood with you to warm up after a cold dive.

Skill Level & Hazards

As a popular ab diving spot, the law enforcement exposure is especially high here. If you choose to scuba dive, don't give officers any reason to believe you were illegally collecting abalone on the bottom. Either go diving in season with an abalone fishing license and report card, pry bar and gauge or go with none of those things and be prepared to show off your empty cooler. Law enforcement here does not screw around with illegal fishing activity and as lovers of the marine environment, we should have low tolerance for it ourselves.

Nearest Emergency Medical Facilities

Mendocino Coast District Hospital 700 River Dr, Fort Bragg, CA 95437

EMS activation by boat: Notify Coast Guard boat crew on channel 16 or call 911.

Coast Guard deployed from Noyo River 19325 S Harbor Dr (139.26 mi) Fort Bragg, California 95437


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