Underwater Arch

Underwater Arch is located on the East side of the East Anacapa Island in the Channel Islands.

Quick Info

Underwater Arch
Coordinates 34.017202, -119.355595
Depth 15-35ft
Skill Level Intermediate
Access Method Boat
Protection Status Fishing permitted

Attractions & Wildlife

"Arch Rock on the east end of the East Island of Anacapa is the symbol of the Channel Islands National Park. Its sweeping grandeur is one of the most beautiful ocean scenes in the world. Gulls and pelicans are in constant motion around the rock edifice as the blue sea swirls below kelp lapping at the surface.

As beautiful as this is there is a vista nearby that rivals the beauty of Arch Rock, only this location is underwater and, consequently, seen by far fewer people. You are one of those lucky divers who can visit this beautiful site. Just around the corner from Arch Rock, on the south side of the east island, is an underwater arch that is easy and fun to dive when the conditions are right. This backside underwater arch lies in only 35 feet of water. The reef that makes up the arch is vibrant and covered with life and thick kelp. At 15 feet tall and about 35 feet wide, the arch is easy to pass from one side to the next and back again. Soft ivory sand form its base and a multitude of fish enjoy the shade of its roof...

Sheephead and kelp bass are on the large side (but not huge) and lobster can be found in the surrounding rocks. This was once a very good location for rock scallop hunting, but heavy pressure has now made it sparse.

Lush kelp holds schools of blacksmith fish, señoritias and jack mackerel. Across the reef dance garibaldi, painted greenlings, and tiny blue-banded gobies." - CA Diving News

Entry & Access

Skill Level & Hazards

Some swell and current are possible here.


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