Hidden Beach

View from Hidden Beach

Hidden Beach is a lesser known entry beach in Breakwater Cove. It's located off Cannery Row and has a small beach area primarily used for launching kayaks from the shop across the road. Coordinates for this site are 36.61182, -121.89745.

Quick Info

Hidden Beach
Coordinates 36.61182, -121.89745
Depth ~20ft
Skill Level Beginner
Access Method Surface swim

Attractions & Wildlife

Thick kelp beds and shallow water make this area both rich with sea life and very accessible for beginners, snorkelers and free divers. The fine sand and kelp tend to churn up close to shore and reduce visibility but a hundred yards or so offshore the visibility often improves a great deal. A good dive might be swimming out into the kelp until the water clears a bit and then descending to about 20 feet and taking a bearing either north or south along the shore exploring the rocky reefs along the way.

Entry & Access

Ed Rickets Marine Conservation Area
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Park in the larger parking areas more central to San Carlos Beach or park in a metered street space (strictly speaking, by Monterey Municipal Code, you may not unload scuba gear on cannery row[1]. Proceed down the stairs located on the seaward side of the mid-Cannery Row crosswalk to find a small beach nestled between the buildings.

As long as you're smart about tide reach, you can stash some gear under the stairs while you dive (just be sure not to block access to the kayak storage area).

Skill Level & Hazards

Thick kelp cover requires a confident Monterey diver comfortable with the 'kelp crawl.' A local kayak tour company that launches here produces a steady stream of small boats that are not always handled with great skill and divers should ascend carefully. There are a few larger rocks in the surf zone on the beach that make entry slightly interesting at times, but there are very few real hazards to complicate this shallow beginner-friendly site.

  1. R. Springer, personal research

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