Gerstle Cove

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Gerstle Cove

Quick Info

Gerstle Cove
Coordinates 38.567470, -123.330460 [1]
Skill Level
Access Method

Entry & Access

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Attractions & Wildlife

Gerstle Cove is a marine protected area, so there is a lot of life here. Back in the day it was said that this is where Fish and Game returned abalone that had been taken illegally. Whether or not that is true, there have been large numbers of relatively large abalone here.


There is a dedicated parking lot and restrooms with running fresh water. The road that connects the parking lot to the cove is paved but very steep and can only accommodate a single car at a time for depositing gear down by the water before driving back up to the lot. There is no place to turn around at the bottom, so you must back down the steep, curved road. Use extreme caution.

Skill Level & Hazards

It is a fairly protected site if you enter and exit from the rock beach at the back of the cove. There can be a good bit of surge on the sides of the cove, and you can easily get yourself into the surge if you are not careful.

Nearest Emergency Medical Facilities

Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital 30 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

EMS activation by boat: Notify Coast Guard boat crew on channel 16 or call 911. Coast Guard deployed from Bodega Bay 355 Doran Beach Rd (54.55 mi) Bodega Bay, California 94923

EMS activation by boat: Notify Coast Guard boat crew on channel 16 or call 911.


  1. Andrew Middleton/Bathyscope map ref. data from Dr. Rikk Kvitek, CSU Monterey Seafloor Mapping Lab

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