Frolic Cove

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Frolic Cove is named for the ship that wrecked here in 1850, dubbed by some historians as the most significant shipwreck on the West Coast. While gold was sought inland, the rugged coast of California was largely unexplored by Europeans and it was only during the salvage operation of the Frolic in the shallow waters of Point Cabrillo did Europeans notice the immense coast redwoods that grew there. Soon after, timber towns like Mendocino popped up all along the coast to cut lumber for the exploding San Francisco housing market.

Quick Info

Frolic Cove
Skill Level
Access Method Shore

Entry & Access

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Attractions & Wildlife


Skill Level & Hazards

There is a long surface swim to anything worth seeing here.

Nearest Emergency Medical Facilities

Mendocino Coast District Hospital 700 River Dr, Fort Bragg, CA 95437

EMS activation by boat: Notify Coast Guard boat crew on channel 16 or call 911.

Coast Guard deployed from Noyo River 19325 S Harbor Dr (139.26 mi) Fort Bragg, California 95437


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